Podcasts for Embodied Middot
Meditation &Yoga for Well-being

Enjoy access to over 18 podcasts below with Julie Emden and Rabbi Lavey Derby to support your at-home practice.

Experience 10-minute guided movement/yoga practices and meditations infused with Jewish wisdom teachings about specific Middot (Character Traits), including Hesed (Lovingkindness), Rachamim (Compassion), and more!

While the podcasts below each offer a brief practice with one or more particular postures / movements, please note that we can infuse any embodied practice or meditation with a specific quality that might deepen our spiritual growth. 

Each trait below can be invoked in any and every movement or posture we take.  Practicing these qualities on the mat helps us integrate them into our being.  This gives us a greater chance of continuing to exude the qualities we’ve cultivated in our embodied practice to the world, beyond and off our mat.  There is no ‘perfect pose’ for any given middah. Rather, we can take the same exact sequence any given day and infuse the practice with a kavanah (direction or intention) we wish to cultivate.

These podcasts were created in partnership with Shalem, The Jewish Wellness Initiative of the Peninsula JCC, created by Julie Emden and Rabbi Lavey Derby. Sessions can also be accessed on ITUNES.
